Tuesday 15 September 2015

Confessions of a Beachbody Coach - 5 Common Misconceptions of being a Coach

Time to get REAL here!!!

Becoming a Beachbody Coach doesn't give you magical powers & no Fairy Godmothers sprinkles dust over us to make us be on point day in and day out! Sorry if I burst your bubble but that's simply NOT how it works!

Us Coaches, take A LOT of time working on ourselves & you better believe we fall and have to get back up just as much as the next person! I don't know how many times I have approached women about joining our movement to make an impact in the lives of others and I get reasons WHY they think they don't 'fit' the criteria!

1. We NEVER miss a workout

...... say what?! I hear so often "I have trouble sticking to my program - I feel like I have to be consistent before I coach". I FEEL YA SISTA!!! There are months where I yo-yo, start a program, stop it, then decide to JUST do the workouts I feel like doing and skip the ones I don't enjoy. There have been months where I don't work out at all! GOSH -- when I first began coaching I NEVER even had tried out a program before!!! Now that is some CRAZY talk, am I right?! How the HECK can I be a coach if I am not on point every single day?!

Well ... let ME tell you! It's not about being PERFECT! Coaching is NOT about never missing a day - falling off track or always being motivated! It's about getting back up each time you fall! We stress the importance of honesty till we are BLUE in the face! If you fall off - SHARE THAT because guess what?! There is someone out there who WILL thank you for being REAL! They will be able to relate to your struggles and see you are HUMAN just like them!

Being a coach means being real and raw - not perfect! We use our challenge groups for support and accountability just as much as our challengers do and without them and without being a Coach I probably would have given up on my journey a LONG time ago! This is the ONE consistent push in my life that keeps me going - keeps pushing me to be better - continues to pick me up each time I fall down! I will NOT give up on myself because I have challengers and other women watching me and I owe it to the both of us to continue working at being my best self! 

2. You have to be an Instagram Model with them 6 pack of ABS! 

Honestly, I don't know if I will EVER have abs! Would I like to?! Sure - they'd be neat to have, but I won't lose sleep over it if they never appear! WHY?! Because I love living a flexible 80/20 life and abs require a lot more than that!

Being a coach is NOT about being perfect! I cannot stress that enough!!!!! I can't speak for other coaches but the coaches that I WANT on my team to inspire OTHER women - are women who have struggled OR ARE struggling. I want to grow with women who are REAL and RELATABLE! The women that in my eyes are the perfect coach - are the ones who have room to improve (be that in mind, body or spirit)! No, you do not have to go through 3 rounds of the 21 Day Fix and have a KILLER transformation in order to inspire others! Guess what inspires others?! TRANSPARENCY!!!!! Being completely open about your journey and your struggles - the ups and the downs! We are here to support women just like us through THEIR journey, and share with them about how we understand because we have been or are in their shoes! We create a community and a sisterhood within our challenge groups and in our teams that keep us going when the going gets tough!

To ME --- This video showcases EXACTLY what it means to be a great coach! To make someone FEEL something! To be transparent about who you are so you can inspire others! To help others see that they are beautiful as they are and to give them the tools for their confidence to emerge and radiance to shine! 

If you continue to grow as a coach and you end up with abs or do already have them - GREAT!!! That also doesn't mean you won't inspire other people or be able to connect with them! We all have room for growth in some area of our lives BUT they aren't necessary to influence others!

3. We have no other commitments, jobs or kids - you MUST have hours of free time

I think the number one excuse I receive about not feeling like their able to coach is that they are busy! They have a full time job, are in school or have kids! Do you think that all of us 300,000+ coaches have no jobs, kids, responsibilities, commitments, families, school or priorities?! We ALL do!!!!!!! That's the cold hard truth!

When I first began coaching, I was working in Bridal season for a decor rental company full-time where my boss just had a baby and wasn't in the store as much as usual & there was only 2 of us in the store so i had A LOT on my plate as well as set ups on the weekend, full-time University classes AND I was going through an extremely tough family crisis that turned our worlds upside down. I was in a situation that would turn most people away from coaching. In my situation - everyone else would say they aren't "ready". I had NO idea what I was getting myself into. I had never been in a challenge group before, heard of a Beachbody Coach (other than from MY coach) and had never done an at-home fitness program! ALL I knew was that my life was in shambles, I was unhappy, I needed something for ME, I needed balance and I needed something positive to uplift my spirits!

That is EXACTLY what I got when I pushed the "sign up" button! It gave me the ability to find balance in the crazy times of my life. Coaching allowed me to make sure I made MYSELF a priority even though I was busy and it also showed me that even though I was busy - it didn't mean I didn't have time! Being healthy, confident and happy gave me the positivity and mindset I needed to push through what was happening with my family. All I needed was an hour a day - even split up if need be - to help others make the same positive changes in their lives TOO!

That's it! ONE hour! If we stop Facebook scrolling or laying in bed pushing the alarm 100 times - we would find that extra hour and give ourselves opportunities we never dreamed of being possible!

4. We have it ALL figured out! 

I think by this point I have made it pretty clear that we are all hot messes! None of us really have it ALL figured out! We learn as we go, we have ups and downs in our lives because just like you - we are human! We have fights with our spouses, we have other priorities, our jobs get crazy, we have family crisis's and guess what?! That's okay! Totally okay! Melanie Mitro - Top 2014 Coach was labelled at Summit by Corporate as a HOT MESS - even with a song! All we ever ask - is to continue with working towards being your best self every day, for yourself, for your family and for those who you are helping!

I know that I had NOTHING figured out when I joined - but joining has helped me to learn to figure it out! It has given me the support - training - encouragement and ability to keep growing and learning what works for me in my life and how I can continue to be my best self! I can say with 100% honesty that I would not be where I am emotionally, physically or mentally in my life if I decided to pass up this opportunity!

Given - I will and do still have days where I cry, I feel lost, emotional, my boyfriend and I get into a fight or my world feels like crumbling because my anxiety gets the best of me and I feel completely out of sorts! I take a moment - or 10 moments and I dive into what I know - personal development - and I get back on the horse, pick myself up, turn to my community of other women and KEEP GOING!!!

You do NOT have to have it all figured out to be a coach - I just want you to be exactly who YOU are and be ready to surrender to being your best self through the process!

After a year of HARD work I am NOW a full-time coach, but when I started, I wasn't! I was just like YOU!!!! If you take a peek at most of the coaches in this company, even the TOP coaches - they have kids, other interests, priorities - some even have other BUSINESSES to run! So - know that it is OKAY to have other things going on in your life, no one expects you to have an open calendar! We ask you because we know deep in our hearts, you can reach the lives of others and you can help change them!

 5. We NEVER cheat on our meal plans

Before we began coaching and our journey with Beachbody - we already had bad habits, probably ate crappy foods and enjoyed them! I know I am definitely one of them! Just because I began coaching doesn't mean I all of a sudden I LOVE healthy foods and never have temptations to eat fast food!

GOSH --- Last NIGHT I even had McDonald's!!! That's hard to admit as a coach - which is probably WHY you think we never cheat, it's tough to share that when we have people looking up to us - BUT let me tell you - whether you see it or not, know that we DO cheat! We fall off of our meal plans whether that's for a day or a week! Once I got back from Summit in Nashville - it took the LONGEST time for me to get it together! That doesn't mean I should quit coaching or even that I am a bad coach! It just means that I have to keep trying each day to do better! Again, when we share that and be real and honest about our struggles, more people can relate and see we are JUST like THEM!

So my response to everyone that says "But I struggle with staying on my meal plan, how can I be a good coach" is "ME TOO! That's what will make you a GREAT coach - you have room to grow and that means you're not an alien from another planet! You will keep learning what works for you and it will give you extra accountability to stay on track as much as possible!"

THERE YA HAVE IT! We're just like YOU! Know that you have the ability to change the lives of the ones you love - the people you have fallen out of contact with over the years and people you've never even met! You have the ability to change your OWN life!!!! Don't get wrapped up in the thoughts that you have can never miss a workout, you have to have abs, you can't have other priorities in your life, you have to have it all figured out and your nutrition has to be 100% on point - we love you for who you are and will always welcome you in with open arms and give you the tools to improve in any area of your life that you'd like!

XO -- so much love!


Thursday 27 August 2015

Grocery Essentials

Starting a lifestyle change journey is TOUGH! Mainly because learning WHAT to eat is easier said than done! Annnnnddd being real - nutrition IS part of our lifestyle change journey - if anything it makes up 80% of it! (Fitness and working out isn't the whole thing ... SHOCKER!! I know!)

My boyfriend who is now a Personal Trainer - was a chef for 10 years SO as much as I hate to admit it - I rely on him to do most of the cooking! Okay... stoves scare the crap out of me! I said it!!! But he is a phenomenal cook and I appreciate him making sure we stay on track with our meals while I would take that time after working my full-time job to work on my coaching business!

BUT ... I decided it's time to put my big girl pants on and become MORE independent! SO - I went grocery shopping for one of the first times on my own! Although I didn't pick up everything that we normally do - I wanted to share the essentials that I did pick up because these are typical items that we always have in our fridge or in our home!

OF COURSE .... BANANAS! There is NO question about that! I love eating bananas - I love putting them into my Chocolate Shakeology fresh AND frozen and they can be used to make at home icecream/frozen yogurt! When we don't have them ... I feel a bit lost! <3 Nanas - you complete me!

I LOVE me some carrots!! They are BY FAR my favourite veggie - always have been!! I have to say - the BEST way they are cooked is on the BBQ with fresh dill and potatoes! BUT - I will eat them ANY WAY! Make sure when you buy them - they look like THESE! Stay far away from the little ones that are all the same shape and size (the perfect snacking carrots we usually ate as kids or now give to kids) because those are processed through a factory and coated in chemicals! BARF!! If you can get to a farmers market - support local AND get your hands on the yummiest and best carrots - DO IT! 

Almonds are a GREAT snack but I picked these up because I made Almond Crusted Chicken, which was VERY simple, all you need is about 1 cup of toasted almonds (put them in the oven for about 10 minutes), 1 clove of garlic and a few tbps of olive oil! Throw all that into a food processor and then you have a gluten free and delicious crust to put onto your chicken! :) I love baking with almonds as well - you really can't go wrong having these on hand!

That brings me to Chicken - OF COURSE! There is SO much you can do with chicken so it is a staple in our house! We also love to buy lean ground turkey (Costco always has it in bulk for the best price) - those 2 proteins we can do almost anything with from stir fry's to lettuce wraps, salads, you name it! Derek LOVES seafood but I'm not a fan - it really freaks me out SO for now, we don't keep that in the house but perhaps one day I'll be daring and give it more of a try! 

Garlic adds so much flavour - AND I needed it for my chicken and Zucchini recipes but we love to have garlic in the house! Never know when you may need it! :) 

DANG! My picture is sideways BUT this is what we always get for cheese! We LOVE cheese and it's pretty difficult to find a healthy cheese hahaha but we just make sure to portion it out according to the 21 Day Fix meal plan and we are good to go! :)

I am not the HUGEST fan of Greek Yogurt but I do use it as a substitute for Sour Cream AND I know Derek loves it especially with some trail mix as a snack SO we always have this on hand! This is our preferred brand as well!

Speaking of said Trail Mix - this is what he gets! You can purchase this from Superstore in the bulk section BUT I know you can also get this at Costco! It has all the good stuff in here - not that unhealthy trail mix in the chip aisle ;)

We love pasta!! YELLOWS (you 21 day fixers will feel me ;) ) I prefer brown rice pasta over regular and whole wheat pasta! This one is Organic but we love the texture and the way it cooks compared to other bands! We switch it up between different pastas BUT we always keep them in the house!

Pineapple - well, for me, I'm the girl that prefers it on a ham and pineapple pizza rather than fresh as a fruit BUT Derek (are you catching on that he's the one that eats EVERYTHING and I'm miss. picky?! HAHA) loves it on it's own! It's also great to throw into a stir fry or on a pita pizza! :) 

Gots to have us some Spinach! This is the brand we have been buying lately! This is great as a side - make it into a salad or throw it into a wrap so we keep this in the fridge because you never know when you may need some! 

Okay - Strawberries are UP there on my FAVE fruit next to bananas! They remind me of summer and are just so dang tasty! They can be put into salads, Shakeology, as a snack on its own - the opportunities are ENDLESS! 

OKAY SO .... This is the first time I've actually tried Zucchini and I was pleasantly surprised!! I made the baked parmesan, oregano, thyme, lemon peel, sea salt, pepper and garlic baked Zucchini from the FIXATE cookbook and it was delicious! I didn't expect it to be so juicy and yummy!! We will most likely be making this a staple to keep in the house at all times now as well!

We usually opt for multi-grain or whole wheat pitas BUT we decided to try these guys out for a change so this is the only one I got to show you at the moment BUT even when you do go looking for multi-grain or whole wheat wraps, make sure to check the ingredients and nutritional facts and compare the two! You want lower calories - lower sugars - lower sodium and fats FOR SURE! I love these for pizzas, they can be made into taco shells, tortilla chips for nachos or hummus or for lunch with chicken, turkey or your protein of choice! I just love them - so much variety!

Celery! Keep that plate full of green!! We usually use it in stir fry's, home made soups, in turkey wrap mixtures, or they're even great on their own as a snack!

Cottage cheese is Derek's thing FOR SURE! It's a great source of protein so he adds it to quinoa, eats it as a snack or as a side dish with a meal - add in some pepper, spices and even some green onion!

I used to only eat lean ground beef and I thought ground turkey was just the strangest thing! NOW it is probably my favourite meat source next to chicken! It's way less greasy, it tastes amazing and it works on all the same dishes! We use it for wraps, in quinoa, for tacos, on pizzas, you name it - it can be in it! LOVE!

Peppers!!! I won't lie - I won't eat these on their own! I've tried to love them so many times, and I just don't love the texture and it took me until this year to eat them without picking them out of foods! I love them in so many different dishes now!

Okay! This is the first time we've bought these, so, I don't have a review on them YET! We would get the regular ramen noodles for stir fry's but I'd much rather use rice noodles and are MUCH better for you! We got them at Costco! If you have had them - comment below and share your reviews and recipes you enjoy them with!

Romaine lettuce is something we usually always have in our fridge! Salads, sandwiches and lettuce wraps oh my! These make the perfect wrap for lettuce wraps - a much healthier way to enjoy a wrap and it's seriously so delicious! I used to see these and think it was the strangest thing and once I tried them - I was OBSESSED! If you're a newbie to the lettuce wrap world - hop on this train!

Turkey Bacon is ESSENTIAL for Sunday morning Breaky!!! Again, I thought this was the weirdest thing! I think I was against anything that wasn't chicken haha! Don't get me wrong, I still like me a couple strips of bacon on special occassions but this is a much more guilt-free way of enjoying bacon and it tastes SO good!!! We always keep this stuff around for sure!

This is what our load at Costco usually looks like! There are a few other snacks in there as well! :) We always have Almond Milk on hand for our Shakeology. We tried out the BOOM Chicka POP Puffs - so far SO good! ;) I love cantaloupe so we made sure not to forget it!

We definitely eat MORE than what is posted here and I will continue to update this list but I wanted to share this to help anyone out who is struggling in the grocery store or to help those who are just starting on their lifestyle change and have no clue where to start! These are the items (shopping on my own) that I knew to get SO I know we always have them on hand!

I hope this helped and keep checking back because it WILL grow!!


Monday 9 March 2015



Have you ever had that overwhelming craving for chocolate - more specifically Fudgsicles?! …. what am I saying?! OF COURSE YOU HAVE!! 

Rest assured - there IS a healthy way to tackle that craving!! 

No falling off track of your clean eating here! 

All you need is::

+ 1 to 1 1/2 scoops of Chocolate Shakeology (depends how chocolatey you want it!)
+ 1 1/2 cups of unsweetened Almond milk

Pour into a popsicle maker

VOILA --- healthy goodness at your fingertips! No guilt! Just tasty goodness :)

Ps. They are boyfriend approved!! 

Enjoy! XO

Sunday 15 February 2015

A Day of Love!

Valentine's Day is one of those days that everyone either loves or loathes! There isn't A LOT of in-between!

But….I have to say that I am one of those in-betweeners!

I find nothing wrong with taking a day to love a little extra! I don't completely believe in the commercialization of the holiday and overpaying for chocolates, flowers & dinners but I absolutely believe that everyone deserves love and there shouldn't be a day that goes by that we don't express that!

So, I think that Valentine's Day is a great day to just put love out into the world in general! That might mean simply holding the door open for someone else {which I did yesterday}, sharing smiles with a passerby, responding with thanks and appreciation if you are out somewhere, even messaging an old friend to check in or calling your family and friends to let them know that you love them!

Those things are all priceless - no dollar value is attached! No reason why we can't all practice kindness!

I have to say though, my man spoiled me! I didn't expect it AT ALL!

We were supposed to head up to Yorkton for his Volleyball Tournament and instead I woke up to Orchids {my ABSOLUTE favourite flower}, a beautiful and thoughtful card that made me cry, some chocolates {oops!} and a bottle of wine {since trying different wines is something I really enjoy} all around rose petals!

He planned a day just for us!

We aren't a couple that goes out a lot. We don't go on fancy dates & are so far from romantic! Our idea of a perfect date is playing pool, having some greasy food & a couple drinks! We spend our Sundays running errands and most nights on the couch! That's us and I love it!

Now and again though - bringing back some romance is very healthy!

First off he made me a delicious omelette for breakfast & my Chocolate Shakeology {Of course!}

& Then he told me that he had a day planned for us and it was a surprise so I had to get ready and we would go! YES -- even in the god awful blizzard!!! 

I would NOT say no to that!! 

So first he took me to The Aware House! We just recently discovered this gem - and I have completely fell in love! This store has the most amazing energy and I love being able to bring that into my own home. I've been opening myself up to being more spiritual - practicing meditation - bringing crystals into my home & wearing them around my neck! I have such a deep burning desire to learn more and more about surrounding myself with the right energy. We truly attract what we put out into the universe - try it! Try putting positive energy out there & I promise you, that is what you will receive back! 

This is my new Salt lamp that I now have on my desk -- I am obsessed with it! It's exactly what I needed in my working space! 

You'll also see my new crystal called Selenite! 
- Calming & deepens meditation
- Good for mental clarity & gives good judgement
- Opens the crown chakra
- Helps accessing information from past lives
- Aids in clairvoyance
- May extend one's lifespan
- Good for muscles & skin
- May be helpful in serious illnesses such as cancer
- Place around your home for protection against negativity

& my Ganesha {Removes Obstacles}! 
The lord of success, intelligence, wisdom, education, prudence, luck and fortune. He is the remover of obstacles and the destroyer of evil. He is also known as the patron of arts and science. He is honoured with affection at the start of any ritual or ceremony and invoked as the "Patron of Letters" at the beginning of any writing. 

I also got my self a Blank Onyx crystal necklace, its for:
- wise decision-making 
- enhances self control
- banishes grief
- centers and aligns the whole person with higher powers
- enhances and heightens intuitive abilities
- balances yin/yang
- grounding & protective

It does NOT stop there though!! 

Next my man took me to somewhere I have NEVER been before - the Antique Mall! OH MY GOSH! 

IN LOVE!!!! 

I never knew that this place existed much less was going to be as amazing as it was!! 

We spent a lot of time in there & I can promise you that I will be going back time and time again! 

Derek even met Mel Gibson! NEAT! 

Look at the goodies that I came home with!! 

I wanted these for my desk! I wanted to create a vintage feel & I couldn't resist picking up this runner & gorgeous decor items! I am going to get some fake flowers and finish it off :) I am SO excited!!!!! 

I got the Tall vase for $10, the floral vase {I know it's not actually a vase - but I'm making it into one} from $40 down to $25 {yes, they EVEN barter with you}, and the runner for $7!! 

$44 WELL spent! 

This was one of the most surprising, thoughtful and wonderful things that I have ever had done for me! 

It was great! 

Then he even took me out for lunch to Victoria's Tavern! If you haven't been there - GO! Go now! 

I spoiled myself with a cheat meal! I had a Caesar - it was DELISH & Chicken fingers {of course!!} 

& I don't even feel guilty about it :) 

After lunch, he took me to Chapters because well, I LOVE it there!!! 

Seriously, who doesn't like getting a good book to read?! 

Being a coach has opened me up to a whole new world - Personal Development! 

I think that is the BEST thing about being a Beachbody coach - this company is built with leaders who invest their time by growing who they are as people in order to help others! 

I have many many books that I need to read but I couldn't help myself! This one is all about the law of attraction and putting the energy out into the world that you want to receive back! If you want success - put that out there! If you want positivity - put that out there! You might surprise yourself and find by simply changing your mind thought - what you want will come to you! 

I can't wait to dig into this!! 

We ended the day at our favourite place - home - on the couch! 

We watched Glee {my guilty pleasure}, had some supper & he gave me a massage! 

He even got Princess Penelope a rose! Which she LOVES! Carried it around all morning! 

He's just the cutest!! 

I am ONE damn lucky girl! Today was so much more than I ever expected! He thought about who I am and what I love in every which way - he truly treated me like a princess when I was okay with having some breakfast, playing some call of duty and couch surfing it for the day! 

Words cannot describe how much I love this man! He has been so supportive of my dreams and my goals! He makes sacrifices so I can work on building us a fabulous life! He compromises with me & makes me laugh! He makes me smile every single day - he's the best cat dad & always make sure I know how much he loves me! 

He's my absolute best friend in the world, he's my favourite travelling partner & home is wherever I am with him! 

I am SUCH a lucky gal & I would do anything for him! 

This day was amazing all because of him! Feeling very very blessed! 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Grilled Chicken Stir Fry

Who loves stir fry?! THIS GIRL!!!! 

This tastes SO good that NO sauce was even needed! If you do want to add a sauce - try Valentina's Hot Sauce or Greek Yogurt - try to stay away from the high sodium and high sugar sauces --- they'll get ya!! 

What do you need?! 
1 4oz pre-grilled diced chicken breast
2 Diced carrots
1/2 diced yellow onion
1/2 diced green/red pepper
1 med broccoli
1/4 tsp. minced garlic
1 cup brown rice
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp of your favourite spice blend (we love Flavor God)

What do you do with the rice?! 
Add one cup brown rice
Add 2 cups water
1 tsp olive oil into water and rice mixture
Reach boiling point
Then turn down to medium until all liquid is absorbed - stir occasionally

Lets cook the veggies:: 
Have broccoli cut up into florets - have pre-steamed 
Add carrots and 1 tsp of olive oil to saute pan or wok 
& cook for 2 minutes
Add a few tbsp's of water to pan & steam carrots, cook till no water is remaining
Add onions and peppers
Sweat till onions turn translucent 
Add garlic
Add diced chicken
Heat mixture for 4-5 minutes
Add broccoli, heat, add rice & mix until combined 
Add your favourite spice! 

Serves: 2-3


Tuesday 10 February 2015

Calorie Friendly Turkey Meatballs!

SO! You all wanted the recipe from last nights Turkey Meatball supper that I posted on Facebook!

Since I am not a very good cook - okay - I can't cook AT ALL - any recipe you see will probably be thanks to my boyfriend, Derek!

I am the worlds PICKIEST eater and it's very hard for me to try new things & really enjoy them! Living a healthier lifestyle I've been trying to open myself up to new foods - I am SO happy Derek talked me into trying these!

These were DELICIOUS!

What you'll need:
1 lb lean ground turkey
1 egg
1/4 cup panko bread crumbs
1/2 diced medium yellow onion OR 3 green onions
1/2 diced green pepper
1/2 tsp. minced garlic
1/4 cup crumbled feta, or low fat cheddar
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 tsp fave spice blend (We love Flavor God)
1 tsp balsamic vinegar if desired for extra acidity/hot sauce for heat

Depending on size should make 18-20

How to make:
Mix all together
Put on a sheet pan/cookie sheet on parchment paper
Bake at 425f for 20-25 minutes (flip half way through)

I hope you enjoy! Pair it with your favourite Brown Rice pasta and home made sauce! :)