Wednesday 6 January 2016


OH MY GOODNESS!!! Can I be honest?! I am FREAKING sore!!!! I barely rolled out of bed this morning - but that's a great thing! It means that it's working!!

This program is pushing me to my limits & it's exactly what I needed. Since becoming a full-time coach and working at home, I had NO clue how fast my days would fly by and I would sometimes forget to completely eat or drink a drop of water. Only setting my own progress back! Since starting this program - I'm being forced into routine, into drinking enough water each day, to finishing my containers, and to say NO to crap!!!!

What is motivating me right now?!

HONESTLY, it's our Cruise! March 12th we are headed on our FIRST Success Club trip thanks to a lot of hard work earning it and Beachbody covering almost all the costs! We are headed to Florida, Haiti & Jamaica for 5 days! I have NEVER been on a hot vacation because it's something that just never fit in my budget and now since becoming a coach I am able to travel at barely ANY cost to myself which is HUGE! I am so extremely grateful for this opportunity & I want to enjoy it and get the most out of it I possibly can! If I feel uncomfortable & hide away the entire trip because I don't feel confident, I won't enjoy it the way that I should! SO - I am taking these 60 days to bust my ass with NO looking back. Just going for it!

So, you're probably wondering how day two went? It WENT!

We did Hammer Plyometrics. I hate jumping. I hate it. It makes me want to die and barf. Which I almost did. It wasn't pretty! Let me tell you though, I'm feeling it! SO - it did what it was supposed to! The workouts are really focused on light weights - if any! Everything was in 30 second increments and two rounds! Even though it was only 20 minutes, it didn't matter. It was HARD & it just proves that you don't need to spend hours in a gym to get results - you just have to put in the work!

My breakfast was the same as day one! So, I won't share that - instead I will share my snack! :)

Chocolate Shakeology! I am a creature of habit and my go-to recipe is:
Unsweetened Almond Milk
Few splashes of water
4 large ice cubes
1 whole banana

I'm a picky eater AND I can't swallow pills, so thanks to Shakeology I am getting in ALL my daily vitamins, minerals and superfoods I need to keep my body functioning the best that it can, build my immune system up, strengthen my hair, nails and skin, boost my energy, and give my body what it needs so I'm not craving all the other sugar and crap! It is my secret weapon!!

For lunch I had a turkey wrap! We found turkey that is FREE of ALL the junk most processed meats have from Costco! It's in a ancient grain wrap (half is 1 yellow so I had a full one to get in 2), 1 green container of spinach, 1 blue container of cheese & an orange container of the Mediterranean dip I posted from day one! It tasted pretty unreal! I love that just because you eat healthy - doesn't mean you have to lose flavour and enjoyment!

Post workout I had a red of the Recover Protein from the Beachbody Performance Line! It is ALL natural and it tastes SO damn good!! I have never had one that tasted this delicious in my life. I love knowing I'm not putting junk in my body and giving it EXACTLY what it needs to let my muscles grow and recover!

My supper was also the same as day one - SO I didn't share that again but it was just as delicious as the day before!! I LOVE spaghetti squash and chicken with hot sauce!

I had a left over container and I really wanted a late night snack so I had GRAPES! :) MMM! I overfilled it by a couple I think and I could tell because I had a hard time finishing them all but they were great, completely killed my sweet tooth and saved me from making a bad choice and falling off my plan! :)

The toughest thing that I have been dealing with I think are how hard the workouts are and reminding myself to eat enough in a day. I suppose maybe more than anything it's the habits that I'm working to create that are difficult! BUT that also doesn't mean it can't be done, it just takes work! I'm so proud of myself and of Derek for pushing through it and not giving up!

Don't forget to head over to my 'LIKE'page to catch up on our daily VLOG! :)

-- Autumn XO 

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