Tuesday 15 September 2015

Confessions of a Beachbody Coach - 5 Common Misconceptions of being a Coach

Time to get REAL here!!!

Becoming a Beachbody Coach doesn't give you magical powers & no Fairy Godmothers sprinkles dust over us to make us be on point day in and day out! Sorry if I burst your bubble but that's simply NOT how it works!

Us Coaches, take A LOT of time working on ourselves & you better believe we fall and have to get back up just as much as the next person! I don't know how many times I have approached women about joining our movement to make an impact in the lives of others and I get reasons WHY they think they don't 'fit' the criteria!

1. We NEVER miss a workout

...... say what?! I hear so often "I have trouble sticking to my program - I feel like I have to be consistent before I coach". I FEEL YA SISTA!!! There are months where I yo-yo, start a program, stop it, then decide to JUST do the workouts I feel like doing and skip the ones I don't enjoy. There have been months where I don't work out at all! GOSH -- when I first began coaching I NEVER even had tried out a program before!!! Now that is some CRAZY talk, am I right?! How the HECK can I be a coach if I am not on point every single day?!

Well ... let ME tell you! It's not about being PERFECT! Coaching is NOT about never missing a day - falling off track or always being motivated! It's about getting back up each time you fall! We stress the importance of honesty till we are BLUE in the face! If you fall off - SHARE THAT because guess what?! There is someone out there who WILL thank you for being REAL! They will be able to relate to your struggles and see you are HUMAN just like them!

Being a coach means being real and raw - not perfect! We use our challenge groups for support and accountability just as much as our challengers do and without them and without being a Coach I probably would have given up on my journey a LONG time ago! This is the ONE consistent push in my life that keeps me going - keeps pushing me to be better - continues to pick me up each time I fall down! I will NOT give up on myself because I have challengers and other women watching me and I owe it to the both of us to continue working at being my best self! 

2. You have to be an Instagram Model with them 6 pack of ABS! 

Honestly, I don't know if I will EVER have abs! Would I like to?! Sure - they'd be neat to have, but I won't lose sleep over it if they never appear! WHY?! Because I love living a flexible 80/20 life and abs require a lot more than that!

Being a coach is NOT about being perfect! I cannot stress that enough!!!!! I can't speak for other coaches but the coaches that I WANT on my team to inspire OTHER women - are women who have struggled OR ARE struggling. I want to grow with women who are REAL and RELATABLE! The women that in my eyes are the perfect coach - are the ones who have room to improve (be that in mind, body or spirit)! No, you do not have to go through 3 rounds of the 21 Day Fix and have a KILLER transformation in order to inspire others! Guess what inspires others?! TRANSPARENCY!!!!! Being completely open about your journey and your struggles - the ups and the downs! We are here to support women just like us through THEIR journey, and share with them about how we understand because we have been or are in their shoes! We create a community and a sisterhood within our challenge groups and in our teams that keep us going when the going gets tough!

To ME --- This video showcases EXACTLY what it means to be a great coach! To make someone FEEL something! To be transparent about who you are so you can inspire others! To help others see that they are beautiful as they are and to give them the tools for their confidence to emerge and radiance to shine! 

If you continue to grow as a coach and you end up with abs or do already have them - GREAT!!! That also doesn't mean you won't inspire other people or be able to connect with them! We all have room for growth in some area of our lives BUT they aren't necessary to influence others!

3. We have no other commitments, jobs or kids - you MUST have hours of free time

I think the number one excuse I receive about not feeling like their able to coach is that they are busy! They have a full time job, are in school or have kids! Do you think that all of us 300,000+ coaches have no jobs, kids, responsibilities, commitments, families, school or priorities?! We ALL do!!!!!!! That's the cold hard truth!

When I first began coaching, I was working in Bridal season for a decor rental company full-time where my boss just had a baby and wasn't in the store as much as usual & there was only 2 of us in the store so i had A LOT on my plate as well as set ups on the weekend, full-time University classes AND I was going through an extremely tough family crisis that turned our worlds upside down. I was in a situation that would turn most people away from coaching. In my situation - everyone else would say they aren't "ready". I had NO idea what I was getting myself into. I had never been in a challenge group before, heard of a Beachbody Coach (other than from MY coach) and had never done an at-home fitness program! ALL I knew was that my life was in shambles, I was unhappy, I needed something for ME, I needed balance and I needed something positive to uplift my spirits!

That is EXACTLY what I got when I pushed the "sign up" button! It gave me the ability to find balance in the crazy times of my life. Coaching allowed me to make sure I made MYSELF a priority even though I was busy and it also showed me that even though I was busy - it didn't mean I didn't have time! Being healthy, confident and happy gave me the positivity and mindset I needed to push through what was happening with my family. All I needed was an hour a day - even split up if need be - to help others make the same positive changes in their lives TOO!

That's it! ONE hour! If we stop Facebook scrolling or laying in bed pushing the alarm 100 times - we would find that extra hour and give ourselves opportunities we never dreamed of being possible!

4. We have it ALL figured out! 

I think by this point I have made it pretty clear that we are all hot messes! None of us really have it ALL figured out! We learn as we go, we have ups and downs in our lives because just like you - we are human! We have fights with our spouses, we have other priorities, our jobs get crazy, we have family crisis's and guess what?! That's okay! Totally okay! Melanie Mitro - Top 2014 Coach was labelled at Summit by Corporate as a HOT MESS - even with a song! All we ever ask - is to continue with working towards being your best self every day, for yourself, for your family and for those who you are helping!

I know that I had NOTHING figured out when I joined - but joining has helped me to learn to figure it out! It has given me the support - training - encouragement and ability to keep growing and learning what works for me in my life and how I can continue to be my best self! I can say with 100% honesty that I would not be where I am emotionally, physically or mentally in my life if I decided to pass up this opportunity!

Given - I will and do still have days where I cry, I feel lost, emotional, my boyfriend and I get into a fight or my world feels like crumbling because my anxiety gets the best of me and I feel completely out of sorts! I take a moment - or 10 moments and I dive into what I know - personal development - and I get back on the horse, pick myself up, turn to my community of other women and KEEP GOING!!!

You do NOT have to have it all figured out to be a coach - I just want you to be exactly who YOU are and be ready to surrender to being your best self through the process!

After a year of HARD work I am NOW a full-time coach, but when I started, I wasn't! I was just like YOU!!!! If you take a peek at most of the coaches in this company, even the TOP coaches - they have kids, other interests, priorities - some even have other BUSINESSES to run! So - know that it is OKAY to have other things going on in your life, no one expects you to have an open calendar! We ask you because we know deep in our hearts, you can reach the lives of others and you can help change them!

 5. We NEVER cheat on our meal plans

Before we began coaching and our journey with Beachbody - we already had bad habits, probably ate crappy foods and enjoyed them! I know I am definitely one of them! Just because I began coaching doesn't mean I all of a sudden I LOVE healthy foods and never have temptations to eat fast food!

GOSH --- Last NIGHT I even had McDonald's!!! That's hard to admit as a coach - which is probably WHY you think we never cheat, it's tough to share that when we have people looking up to us - BUT let me tell you - whether you see it or not, know that we DO cheat! We fall off of our meal plans whether that's for a day or a week! Once I got back from Summit in Nashville - it took the LONGEST time for me to get it together! That doesn't mean I should quit coaching or even that I am a bad coach! It just means that I have to keep trying each day to do better! Again, when we share that and be real and honest about our struggles, more people can relate and see we are JUST like THEM!

So my response to everyone that says "But I struggle with staying on my meal plan, how can I be a good coach" is "ME TOO! That's what will make you a GREAT coach - you have room to grow and that means you're not an alien from another planet! You will keep learning what works for you and it will give you extra accountability to stay on track as much as possible!"

THERE YA HAVE IT! We're just like YOU! Know that you have the ability to change the lives of the ones you love - the people you have fallen out of contact with over the years and people you've never even met! You have the ability to change your OWN life!!!! Don't get wrapped up in the thoughts that you have can never miss a workout, you have to have abs, you can't have other priorities in your life, you have to have it all figured out and your nutrition has to be 100% on point - we love you for who you are and will always welcome you in with open arms and give you the tools to improve in any area of your life that you'd like!

XO -- so much love!
