Friday 8 January 2016


Day 4 in Ham & Cheeez is a REST DAY!!! THANK GOD! I can't begin to explain how much I needed a day of rest and recover. Thank you Autumn & Sagi - you know what's up!

I'm going to share what I ate since I still ate food even though I didn't work out haha! ALSO ... even though it was a rest day, it didn't mean a CHEAT day. We are literally going through this program without a single cheat - in it 100%!! Scratch that. 101%. Success comes from doing 1% more so that is what I plan to keep doing!

So instead of talking about my workout, I want to talk about 10 things that I've learned so far.

1. I can do HARD things

This seems to be an on-going theme for my journey but being the girl that ALWAYS makes excuses and always finds a reason why I can't be the one who does it, this is a BIG one. I learned that I AM capable of doing things that are hard. I am capable of pushing myself just a little bit further - getting just a BIT deeper into a squat - I CAN do that pull up - and I can do one more push up. Stop with the bullshit you keep telling yourself as to WHY you can't do it just because it's hard. Push through it anyway, I promise you'll be so proud of yourself after!

2. It really is ALL about mindset

Those excuses that I was talking about - yeah. It was all in my head. My body is capable of SO MUCH MORE than I allow it to do. I tell myself "Autumn, you can't do that push up or that pull up ... why even try?!" Like excuse me, why try?! BECAUSE ... I will surprise myself, I will be able to do it and even if I can't I WILL get better. We create these pointless and dumb ideas in our head that we can't do something just because it's challenging and where does it get us? No where!!!! This applies to food too!! I am the PICKIEST eater (lived on chicken fingers and KD my whole life) and eating healthy IS a struggle for me, it's something that I am learning to just get over and do anyway. We are so wired to view food as pleasure and a form of entertainment and don't get me wrong - it can be but food isn't designed for that. Food is designed as fuel. Just like a car - you're not going to give it bullshit gas and have it die on you, you're going to give it the good shit so it gets you where you have to go. Your body is the SAME damn thing. You LIVE in it!!!! WHY are we polluting it?! WHY are we giving it chemicals - high sugars - bad fats - preservatives - crazy amounts of sodium because it's "more fun"!? It IS a tough mindset change. It's my biggest struggle right now but KNOW that if you're reading this, it CAN BE DONE!! Do not for a second count yourself out even if you've tried before. Yes, it's hard but it's not impossible. Just eat the damn carrot.

3. My body responds quickly - THANK YA!
I've learned that through this process my body responds to clean eating and the program very quickly! That is not the same for everyone but in my case, it is. It's AWESOME I am not going to lie but Derek even reminded me today that it won't always be that way so I have to keep working hard and boy is he ever right! If your body is taking longer know that is totally okay as well - don't get too caught up in my journey or others journey's! It's great to follow along for inspiration BUT you have different genes, a different make-up, and are on a different journey than me or someone else. Comparing yourself is the QUICKEST way to fail because it leads you to give up on yourself and the only way to fail is to GIVE UP!!! Focus on being better than you were yesterday - compare yourself against yourself. That's it!

4. Support is KEY

My support through this journey is first and foremost my boyfriend, Derek. He is a personal trainer with Goodlife and normally he would just workout at the gym but he decided to go all in on this program WITH me at home! I can't begin to explain how much that means to me! It's such a great way for us to bond and push each other! If you CAN workout with your spouse -- DO IT!! He keeps me motivated and reminds me to get my containers in, tells me how proud of me he is and doesn't let me give up. Knowing I don't have to worry about the extra temptations he COULD be having around me, makes the biggest difference! Then of course, I have all the amazing ladies in our online Support and Accountability group who are all doing H&C as well in our test group! They have ALL been so damn supportive and sharing their journey's - food intake - sweaty selfies - middle of their workout videos - supporting one another with positive and uplifting comments - sharing all their delicious food for the day with recipes and inspiration for us if we want to change it up with our meal plans and SO much more!! THEY make the difference!!! Also, by sharing this with all of YOU - it is also keeping me extremely accountable and supported to not give up! :)

If you're finding yourself in a situation with no support to get through those workouts and there is lack of support at home as well (it's super common), PLEASE reach out to a coach who can help you in  their group so you do not go through this alone! 

5. It doesn't feel so hard when you make it fun

Derek and I decided to make daily videos to share on my page on Facebook as well as I decided to blog my whole journey. THAT makes it fun!! Of course there are days where it doesn't matter what I do, it's just not fun hahaha but I MADE sure I found ways to make it more fun!!! I don't want to fall off or get bored so by doing the extra things to keep me accountable, I won't! :) Also, my group also always keeps me entertained! Never a dull moment - I am seriously loving it! Find ways to MAKE IT FUN! Challenge yourself, plug into a group, create a reward system, make videos - find what works for YOU! :) 

6. Portion control is genius

HONEST -----> I have USED the portion control containers before but never followed them for a full program. Like I said, I'm lazy by nature. I made excuses and just didn't stick to it. I USED them and loved them - I just never put forth my full effort. Told you I'm far from perfect haha! Anyway, Derek and I are using them for this program and they are actually A LOT of fun and super easy!!!!! Derek is always coming home from work or texting me "I LOVE THESE CONTAINERS!! They are SO much FUN!! "HAHA!!! You get A LOT of food in each day with them and it's kind of like playing with blocks and figuring out the combinations you can make! I have absolutely no complaints. Everyone needs them in their life. Simple. Genius and Effective! 

7. It's okay to do the best you can

Not every day will be a GREAT day. You will struggle through some workouts or miss a couple containers when you wake up late BUT know that it's okay to do the best you can! That's exactly what I have been reminding MYSELF! It hasn't been a PERFECT week but it's been a great week and I'm giving myself some leeway in trying to figure this all out and create habits. I'm doing the absolute best that I can be, so don't be hard on yourself if it's not perfect! Breathe and know you're doing GREAT! 

8. Room to improve is not a bad thing

I think too often we get caught up in not being perfect, like I mentioned above. I learned that even though I may only be doing my push ups on my knees today, by the end I probably won't be! Having room to improve is a really good thing. They're off the scale victories & those should be celebrated!

9. Don't stress about anything past today

I bet you're guilty of this too. Thinking about the other 20 minutes left in your 25 minute workout or that you have 56 days left in your program rather than you've already accomplished 4! It's really easy to overwhelm ourselves by looking TOO far ahead. Success comes much easier when we just focus on TODAY - THIS moment - THIS workout -THIS meal! That makes it a lot less intimidating and without even realizing it, day 60 is already here! The time passes anyway - enjoy the process and take it a step at a time! :)

10. Eating clean is MUCH cheaper than skin products

You know how you spent $100 at Sephora today on 2 skin products to help your breakouts or complexion? Do you also know that you can clear both those up just by eating the right foods?! YUP! It's true - you can kill 2 birds with one stone. My skin has cleared up SO MUCH since I cut out all the crap! No sugar. No extra sodium. Nothing but clean whole foods! I haven't worn make up in 5 days and I feel GREAT! Put that money back in your pocket and go eat clean! 

SO DAY 4 HEY?! I was pretty pumped this morning when my Energize showed up!!!! I have gone a MONTH without it and it's basically like my coffee! I don't drink coffee so this is what keeps ME going! Plus, it's all natural and gives me so much energy. I used to drink 3 large redbulls a day so I will GLADY replace it with this - tastes so much better than that junk too! 

Lunch! I had half a chicken wrap with one blue container of cheese dipped in hot sauce and then raw carrots and cantaloupe on the side! SUPER random but we are eating very weird meals just to get our containers in and that's okay with me!

Supper! I had chicken with wild rice and green beans with hot sauce! It was super vibrant and tasty!! :) I LOVE not waking up and feeling shitty!!! 

Day 4 is behind us and I think it was a total success! Onward we go! :) Rest day is DONE till next Thursday!

-- Coach Autumn XO

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